Saturday, April 18, 2009

Careful what I wish for. Something might be arriving soon that I hadn't anticipated, doesn't it always...? The old saying goes, people make plans, God laughs.

But not in a mean way, we have no fucking idea what he's got in store for us...silly humans. Happy now for Saturday, birds, knowing that my husband is having a beautiful time out on a boat shooting whales (with his camera)...blessed to be up here. Relaxed for the walk that will come soon...

Sorry for my friend Danielle, fearful for my own means...a bit envious for those days that I had a small morsel of a baby to gaze at...not that mine isn't still a morsel...

This twisted, bright, eccentric existence is not what I imagined in my youth. I envisioned myself with long hair, for one, when I was 7. I thought I'd be either an artist or an days filled with creative spirit. Being a mother has granted me all of the above. All aspirations achieved...

I realize I never was more thrilled with my role in career and motherhood as I was when I was a children's library lady...what a valuable lesson. What a gift that experience was.

New focus. As usual. I'm a friend of new. New is me.

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