Sunday, December 20, 2009

None of them are right
every new job description
promises boredom

There are several things I am good at. Here is a list:

1. Writing
2. Making grilled cheese
3. Story Time coordination - art/reading/music synchronicity
4. Research
5. Chatter
6. Bawdiness
7. Sex
8. Fuckin' whimsy
9. Being a mother
10. Being a stellar wife
11. Drinking coffee
12. Typing fast
13. Adding up columns of figures
14. Decorating
15. Haiku
16. Making lists

There are a few positions: writer, collaborator, partner in creative non-profit that you and your husband make up yourself, librarian. Sexy librarian. Librarian in a low cut shirt and black boots. Bored mother/wife late on a Sunday night when her husband is out of town and all of the horoscopes have been read and facebook has ceased to entertain.

Sometimes I'm Leah and sometimes I'm Rachel.

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