Thursday, May 20, 2010

Our Time in the North

Our time in the North
is starting to resemble 
the end of something

(photo by my husband)

But I'm not maudlin
the doldrums are far from here
my heart beats sweetly

Nothing is really flowing out of me today. Today is a struggle. I think it's because I let myself briefly get caught up in the weird blog world, once I started to get a bunch of hits after commenting on things. I felt my traffic rise but my writing suffer. So if you like what you read here - wonderful! Please come back and join me again, but you are under no obligation to return or comment. Rather, I'm here to write honestly, to complete some things, and to be totally selfish in my wake. 

And here's some gratuitous cuteness from Alaska, while we're still here: 

(photo by my husband)

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